Havel v Americe: Rozhovory s americkými intelektuály, politiky a umělci - co-authored with Lenka Kabrhelová
Havel in America: Interviews with American Intellectuals, Politicians and Artists
Havel v Americe: Rozhovory s americkými intelektuály, politiky a umělci - co-authored with Lenka Kabrhelová
Havel in America: Interviews with American Intellectuals, Politicians and Artists
Havel v Americe: Rozhovory s americkými intelektuály, politiky a umělci - co-authored with Lenka Kabrhelová
Havel in America: Interviews with American Intellectuals, Politicians and Artists
Havel v Americe: Rozhovory s americkými intelektuály, politiky a umělci - co-authored with Lenka Kabrhelová
Havel in America: Interviews with American Intellectuals, Politicians and Artists
Red Tape: Radio and Politics in Czechoslovakia, 1945-1969
Havel v Americe: Rozhovory s americkými intelektuály, politiky a umělci - co-authored with Lenka Kabrhelová
Havel in America: Interviews with American Intellectuals, Politicians and Artists
Journal Articles
Věra Šťovíčková před mikrofonem: Rozhlas, politika a československo-africké vztahy v letech 1958–1968
Soudobé dějiny, Vol. 31, No. 1 (2024), pp. 138-165
Když se z cestopisů staly zprávy. Africké zpravodajství Františka Foita, Jiřího Hanzelky a Miroslava Zikmunda v letech 1947–1952
Svět rozhlasu (2024), pp. 19-32
Listening in on the Neighbors: The Reception of German and Austrian Radio in Cold War Czechoslovakia
Central European History, Vol. 54, no. 4 (December 2021) pp. 603-620
Worlds of Ordinariness: Oral Histories of Everyday Life in Communist Czechoslovakia
Human Affairs, Vol. 23, no. 3 (July 2013) pp. 401-415
Book Chapters
The Peace Train: Anticosmopolitanism, Internationalism and Jazz on Czechoslovak Radio during Stalinism
Alice Lovejoy and Mari Pajala (eds.) Remapping Cold War Media: Institutions, Infrastructures, Translations
(Indiana University Press, 2022) pp. 43-60
Secret Agents: Reassessing the Agency of Radio Listeners in Czechoslovakia, 1945-1953
Muriel Blaive (ed.) Perceptions of Society in Communist Europe: Regime Archives and Public Opinion
(Bloomsbury Academic, 2018) pp. 15-32
Návrat migrace do české historiografie - projekt orální historie National Czech & Slovak Museum & Library
Pavel Mucke and Martin Brychta (eds.) Na hranicích mezi minulostí a přitomností: perspektivy orální historie
(COHA & University of Ostrava, 2016) pp. 49-63
Book Reviews
A Global History of Radio Broadcasting
CEU Review of Books, December 2023
Felix Jeschke, Iron Landscapes: National Space and the Railways in Interwar Czechoslovakia
Austrian History Yearbook , No. 54, pp. 262-264
Benjamin Young, Guns, Guerillas, and the Great Leader: North Korea and the Third World
Journal of Cold War Studies, Vol. 24, No. 4 (2022), pp. 229-231
Rachel Applebaum, Empire of Friends: Soviet Power and Socialist Internationalism in Cold War Czechoslovakia
East Central Europe, Vol. 49, Nos. 2-3 (2022), pp. 341-345
Martin Štoll, Television and Totalitarianism in Czechoslovakia
H-Soz-Kult, December 10, 2019
Orest T. Martynowych, The Showman and the Ukrainian Cause
Harvard Ukrainian Studies, Vol. 35 (2017-2018) pp. 571-572
Melissa Feinberg, Curtain of Lies: The Battle over Truth in Stalinist Eastern Europe
Austrian Studies Newsmagazine, Vol. 30, No. 1 (Spring 2018)
Southern Hospitality? Czechoslovak Relations with Africa until 1989
Czech Journal of Contemporary History, Vol. 5 (2017) pp. 175-182
Nuclear Energy: From Dark Past to Green Future?
RECET Podcast Special, June 2024
Upward Mobility through Higher Education in Socialist Poland (interview with Agata Zysiak)
RECET Podcast, January 2024
Remembering the Neoliberal Turn (interview with Veronika Pehe)
RECET Podcast, October 2023
Barcelona ’92. The New Europe at the Olympic Games (interview with Leslie Waters)
RECET Podcast, October 2023
Economic Memories of Transformation (interview with Till Hilmar)
RECET Podcast, August 2023
Sexologists in Socialist Czechoslovakia (interview with Kateřina Lišková)
RECET Podcast, January 2023
Guns and Globalization (interview with Ned Richardson-Little)
RECET Podcast, December 2022
Anti-Globalism Between the Two World Wars (interview with Tara Zahra)
RECET Podcast, July 2022
The Revolutionary University? (interview with Jan Surman)
RECET Podcast, June 2022
Czech Vienna (interview with Mojmír Stránský & Věra Gregorová)
RECET Podcast, December 2021
Journalism in Central Europe (interview with Gerald Schubert)
RECET Podcast, November 2021
(Post-)Socialist Shakespeare (interview with Eva Spišiaková)
RECET Podcast, July 2021
Legacies of Dissidence (interview with Michal Kopeček)
RECET Podcast, May 2021
Globalism and its Enemies (interview with Quinn Slobodian)
RECET Podcast, April 2021 (producer)
Select Journalism
The National (Glasgow)
Central Europeans' Hopes and Fears Ahead of the Scottish Independence Vote (2017)
Political Critique